Freakazoid, The Movie

The Persuasive Freak Ad

"You hold in your hands a copy of FREAKAZOID THE MOVIE. Treasure it because it is one of only two in existence and a wonderful film that will keep you watching for 20 minutes. You'll learn how a poor internet addicted nerd named Dexter became a Freak with the help of his computer, and came to enter cyberspace.

He will have to confront enemies like Itsy Bitsy and the terrible Dr. Depravator, the names tell you about the big contrasts in the film.

Impressing visual effects and many special characters group together in this film to present the wonderful ability a group of students can develop with a $25 dollar budget."

Movie Data

Length : 22 minutes 33 seconds


Rated PG

In English

Produced by


in association with

Eyewitness Pictures

Filmed on location in the beautiful city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico

Final budget: 25 dollars

Produced from November 15 to December 7 of 1996

Premiered on December 11, 1996

People who have seen the movie (free of course) : 62

People who said it sucked : 10 who are misteriously missing

People who said it was great: 34

People who said "Leave me the hell alone" : 18

| Home | The Movie Script, Cast & Sound Clips | Background: how the film was conceived and produced |
| Persuasive Ad & Movie Data | Film Credits | Freakazoid The Movie Guestbook | Links to Other Amateur Movies |

LinkExchange Member

© 1997 Eduardo Diaz Diaz

Last updated: April 2nd, 1997

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