The Cosmic Calendar

Did you ever wonder about the age of the universe, life, or even human existence itself?

We live in a great time period my friends, we can now uncover our past with an amazing amount of precision and even determine the happenings and time when we or any of our ancestors didn't even exist.

At the present moment it is believed that the Big Bang is what gave rise to the universe, about 15 billion years ago, and created everything that exists in it out of the explosion of a small and condensed amount of matter no bigger than an atom.

Just so you will get a concept of the large amount of time that has passed since that monumental event we call the Big Bang, it has been put in perspective by spreading the amount of time that has passed since it during one year, being the Big Bang on the first second of January 1st and the present time at 12:00 AM on New Year's Day of the next year.

The time that is indicated in hours, minutes and seconds represents that given moment on December 31st.

The Big Bang January 1st

Origin of the Milky Way Galaxy

May 1st

Origin of the Solar System

September 9th

Formation of the Earth

September 14th

Origin of life on Earth

September 25th

Formation of the oldest know rocks

October 2nd

Time of the oldest known fossils (bacteria and green blue algae)

October 9th

Sexual differentiation (in microorganisms)

November 1st

Oldest fossilized photosynthetic plants

November 12th

The first cells with a nucleus appear

November 15th

Origin of the Proconsul and Ramapithecus


Appearance of the first man


Invention of agriculture


First dynasties in Sumer, Ebla, and Egypt


Roman Empire, birth of Christ


The Cruzades, Mayan civilization


Europe of the Renaissance


Worldwide expansion, space travel

Present time, first second of the new year

It is almost certain that all of the life forms that live on Earth today originated in the way described, but why do most living things die?, what is the purpose of and how did such an event originate?, let's then explore if :

Does death have any sense?

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Last updated: February 16th, 1997

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